联畅特纤的前身始建于1937年,原名上海丽明机织印染厂。Founded in 1937,Formerly known as Shanghai Liming weaving and dyeing company.
60年代初,为积极响应毛主席“解决人民穿衣、吃饭问题”的号召,着手化纤浆粕的生产。In the Early 60’s,company started fiber production due to the urgent call by chairman Mao to“solve shortage of clothing and food problems for the people.”
1970年,工厂投资兴建了涤纶短纤维生产线,是国内最早研发、最早生产化学纤维的企业之一。In 1970,the first production line of polyester staple fiber was introduced, and became one of the easiest company to research and produce chemical fiber in China.
1989年,工厂增设了双组分复合纤维生产线。In 1989,two complex fiber production line was installed.
1996年上海联畅化学纤维厂迁址沪太支路1048号。The company was relocated to No.1048 Hu tai zhi road in 1996.
2006年,企业成功完成转制,新设上海馨笛伦实业有限公司。In 2006, the company successfully completed management transform, Shanghai Xin Di Lun Industrial Co., Ltd. was formed.
2013年3月,苏州联畅特种纤维有限公司正式成立,公司坐落于美丽的太仓双凤福地。In March 2013, Suzhou Lianchang Special Fibre Co,.Ltd. was established, which is located in Shuangfeng, a blessed town of the beautiful city Taicang.